Solid substitution fuel
Liquid substitution fuel
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Technologies / Liquid substitution fuel

Three main techniques for liquid substitution fuels are available :

  • Organic liquid preparation : These operations consist of grouping of small quantities and/or pre-treatment activities such as phase separation or settling. These operations aim to produce a tailor-made blend of liquid waste.
    Types of waste : used solvents and paints, petroleum and distillation residues, specification organic liquid products.

  • Fluidification : Fluidification means processes where liquid, pasty and solid waste is homogenised and shredded together in order to produce substitution liquid fuel for co-processing.
    Types of waste : Liquid waste (such as residue from organic chemical synthesis, used solvents, oil residue, …), pasty organic waste (such as paint sludge,…), powder waste (such as paint powder, …).

  • Emulsions : The aim is to produce homogeneous and stable waste fuel which complies with co-processing specifications. This process is based on the control of blending by means of chemical or tenside addition.
    Types of waste : oils emulsions from mechanical and metallurgy industries, oil sludges from refineries, oil regeneration and other linked activities, powder waste such as washing powder waste.