Key figures
Position papers

EUCOPRO's objective is to represent European companies, active in pre-treatment activities of mainly hazardous waste. The goal of these activities is to transform waste into alternative materials and fuels suitable for recovery by co-processing in the cement and lime industry.

These operations allow the cement and lime industry to save natural non-renewable raw materials and fossil fuels and thereby contribute to sustainable development. They also serve the community by offering an alternative solution to traditional waste disposal management.

EUCOPRO's members commit themselves to high safety, health and environmental standards. To achieve this, they adopt quality management systems and promote economically feasible best available techniques.

Members are committed to transparency and ethical conduct.

The principal objectives for EUCOPRO are to :

  • Take part actively in the European legislative, regulatory and/or standardising work with any links to the activities of EUCOPRO’s members.
  • Promote and initiate necessary studies, linked to the activities of EUCOPRO ’s members.
  • Contribute in defining best available practises.
  • Inform about and promote the activities of EUCOPRO.